Thursday, July 04, 2002

Will Just sent me a Link to a new Linux distro and based on Larry I'm thinking of using it :D. Righto went out for dinner last night with Tom and Julia, was cool to catch up with them again, haven't seen them in ages, went to the Persian place round the road from our flat, really relaxed place always does great food, was cool. I was thinking about setting up a multi-user blog instead of using the current geek mailing list, I just get the feeling that people wouldn't look at it on a regular enough basis, maybe if you could have the blog and have a automatic job that fires off an email to the people instead, something to think about anyway. Updated jonoabroad yesterday so email points at my domain rather than my hotmail, set up mime types so that the jad file does its stuff, Thanks to both Riches for that, D and T.

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