Friday, December 15, 2006

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Oh god, I live in the same country as this woman and they want to be a credible opposition, but can't even unite one day after a leader change. Howard will be in until he can't walk or until either Labour or the greens get there shit together.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

About bloody time,
really does make rather a lot of sense - *Sigh* wonder how long we have to wait.
Of course we can bring our mighty air force to any union -mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Just brought and watched the world's fastest indian, wonderful.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

My lovely new mac is here and I have got used to the extra screen real estate disturbingly quickly. I've spent all day rebuilding the PowerBook, well a reinstall and applying updates and installing a few of the basics like growl, Adium and quicksilver.

My god the screen is small, sigh.

I need to sort out disk space, I only went for the 100 GB and I'm through two thirds of it already *sigh*.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

*sob* they are here at last, now, how to pay for it.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Intelligentsia - what a wanker

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

What the world needs now, is International talk like Scooby Doo day.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Stubble Static : The noise stubble makes when your phone rubs against your face.

Friday, September 08, 2006

This is great.
Bloody hell, Peter Brock has been killed!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Okay, I'm back from Laos - It was great, more later ( Photos being uploaded to Flickr as I type).

Went to Gomez lastnight, it was fucking awesome - they were so not what I expected, for one there was thousands of them, okay 7 or something and they all looked normal - Not all "we are cool cos we are in an excellent band".

Oh and on a "funny, but incredible bad taste", bring you this.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Saw Paradise Now over the weekend, excellent movie, well worth a watch - Aeon Flux, however, is most definitely not.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

My god, something good out of the Sydney morning herald, what next ?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Brought a tagine and a great Moroccan cookbook over the weekend. So far I have learnt the following:

a) Tagines change temperature slowly compared to a gas hob, don't turn them up and leave them - they make a mess.

b) Pay attention to measurements when it comes to mixing spices, to much chili IS a bad thing.

The cookbook is made in morocco, brilliant book, even if you don't want to make any of the recipe's, wonderful photography.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Different availability on itunes shits me, as does incomplete album collections.
Would you buy paint from someone who can only supply 4 out of 6 colours or 2 out of 16.
Media companies need to move on, there will always be those that don't pay, you should never impede those that are willing to, nor those that are shopping via trusted medium.
Media Whores: Jono et al.
Neither Tim no Al Gore invented the internet, get over it.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Aaaaaaaagh, I switched on the telly. Better homes and gardens.
Apparently, you need 4 levels of pillows in 6 different colours.
For fucks sake, they were telling people how to make a bed, puh lease.

Waaaaaaa, they are now talking about sandpaper, who the fuck doesn't
understand the difference between the different types, or if you don't
know which ask when you buy.

fuck me, I swear people will be told how to wipe there arse with, of course,
low cost MDF.

wa wa wa
Yoda will always be cool.

ok so went to buy some pixies off itunes and they took me to the US store - HELLO - where the fuck do you think I am ?

ok, deep breath.

AND THEY DON'T HAVE THE ONE FUCKING ALBUM I WANT, sluts, everyone in and associated with the music industry are cheap vapid whores.

Hi, I don't want to pirate some cheap ass bullshit version of your music, I'd quite like to download it from some niffty slick looking interface that JUST WORKS. Of course it wont matter what part of the world I'm in, not unless you're trying to bend me over and butt fuck me for wanting to buy YOUR music, no of course not.

It must be a geo-political thing, John Howard really has a thing against only one Pixies album. Doolittle, you will here ol' John say, was piss poor and not worth it, therefore I decree it shall not be available online in Oz.

fuckers, you are all fuckers,everyone of you music industry leach bastards.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

If spent anywhere near the amount of time doing the things I want to do instead of panicking about not doing them, I'd get them done :|

Went to the Archibald last weekend, haven't been to a gallery for far to long, the exhibition was brilliant. Grant insisted we get there by 10 otherwise it would be to busy.

We were, it was, why do people turn in complete fucking morons in galleries ? If I'm standing in front of a piece, DON'T WALK IN FRONT OF ME THEN STOP AND LOOK AT IT - FUCKERS.

See yet another reason why I should be allowed a gun, Darwinism just isn't effective enough.

We also popped downstairs and had a look at some photographic exhibition. A couple of things stood out.

1. I need glasses or galleries really need to use a much bigger font for the description of photographs.

2. Lots of people are using digital cameras.

3. If it's art you don't need to have crisp colours, focus or any composition.

People are also manipulating digital images with photoshop and the like. I'm not sure I agree with this, it seems a little to much like cheating.

Oh, I've brought a new lens for my camera, it's another idiot proof Nikon 55-200mm, went down to Clovelly and had a bit of a play with it after the gallery last weekend - I spent most of my time hard against 55 and wanting to change back to my normal lens - pah.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Where the fuck do I live ?

Who the fuck has job sites that you HAVE TO REGISTER BEFORE USING ?

Australia does, its

Guess what it doesn't work on Safari.

Fucking winners, I hope it's some kind of very bad joke.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

The word is spreading, mwa mwa mwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

How is cool is this

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Television advertisers must assume Australians to be inherently stupid, the advertising for all the shite american programmes that gets pumped into the televisions has phrases such as "a twist you will never see coming" or " you wouldn't have expected".

Is it because the Oz public are so thick or the story lines so ludicrous ?
Bah !

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Amazon get into Mass storage, check it. Hmmm I wonder if google is still going to bring out the gdrive and how it will differ from the amazon service ?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Rock on, blogger widget by google - as well as google search widget and a gmail widget - get them here.

gotta love google and apple.

Monday, February 27, 2006

And from Ash this, just makse you think of goat cx, really - just wrong.
Still I guess it works, you don't have to pay for a nanny for your kids
Nick Cave and a bottle Scotch, does IT get any better after a shitty day at work.


Monday, January 30, 2006

Google earth for real computers is out . Ya ya ya ya ya ya.

Also I'm trialing Blue Phone Elite, seems pretty cool and works with my new phone - a Sony Ericsson v600i - huzzah ! The only thing it is missing is routing the call through the computer speakers and mic, that would mean my phone can just stay in my bag at work.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

House is the happiest music on the plant and fuck me if Nice 'n' Urlich aren't the best examples of this.
Really need to find out when they are playing next, It would be good if they could tie it in with some other reason for me being back in NZ ;)

Thursday, January 19, 2006

I've just spent 2 hours looking for my camera battery charger only to find that it was still in the fucking suitcase. grunting noises can not even begin to describe my disgust - but let me try nergh baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Sometimes I just feel so articulate.
iTunes is worse than crack, ok so I've never had track, but itunes is robbing me of all my money.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

People are all inherently fuck wits, example.

Killing people for eating animals ranks up there with killing people for supporting abortion.

It is disturbingly flawed.

I understand not eating meat and being pro-life. However to kill for either is stupidity in the extreme.

What next, do we all have to go to the lengths of the suicide bomber and the Israeli Jet, just to get our point across ?

Muppets, complete fucking Muppets.
Wonderful advert, watch it now, funny and takes the piss out of all the stupid things Australians have done over the last year.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Hmmmm if ya going to go clubbing - go in Auckland, Sydney is a bunch of arse.
Drunk fuckers more interested in getting trashed, fighting and what each other is wearing than the music, really just sooooooooo suburban - fuckers. Bridge and Tunnel as our New York friends would say.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Happy New year.

I've become Dilbert, I'm not happy about it.

If you think the water you put in the freezer several hours ago is still there, it probably is - Doh.