Monday, November 15, 2004

So the new format of the Times is quite good, It's small enough that it can be mailed to you from nice people and also that you can lose it on the kitchen table and have a panic attack.
It is not as much of a shock as I thought it would be there still seems to be loads of content and unlike some local papers here it has original content - Huzzah.
Seeing as this worked so well, I hear that the 100 pound note is much bigger than the 100 dollar note. I could compare them if someone were to send me a wad of unmarked non-sequential notes *cough, cough*.
Christmas is very close, buggery, at least that means GT4 will be out soon and I'll be able to buy it - Huzzah Huzzah

Sunday, November 14, 2004

If there were anymore ads on australian television they could do away with the silly interrupting programs. It must be getting close to 50 50 adverts content - BASTARDS