Thursday, March 13, 2003

Well first day of work is over and I think I managed not to scare too many people, there being only eight people in the office :D. I would however like to point out to people that there must be something in the Geneva Conventation about hours of work and what is allowed as a start time. I'm sure most of you will agree that 8:30 am is an hour to be asleep and safely tucked up in bed :|. Another thing if you are going to move country take your keyboard with you, its of little use to be able to touch type if some silly bastard has moved the keys, mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Anyway first day good, yippee for work. Oh New Zealand was good, Air New Zealand was shite, never ever ever ever fly with them, did I say EVER, yes, right good. More later.