Thursday, August 30, 2007

Hmmm google maps have lost there Satellite view for the entire world from Australian IP addressed, one would assume this is due to APEC and terrorist being A) so disorganized so as to not already have there maps ( because the CBD moves so much b) already be in Australia.

Then again, it could just be that google has lost all satellite image data for the entire world for people from AU IPs.

Google earth works, although one would assume it is cached data.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

gah gah GAH HCF has to be the worst website I've had to use in a while, payment only works in IE and the morons don't understand * required means. I've just filled in a form for notification that didn't * all required fields, Possibly because depending on the information depended on what was required, but I'm thinking javascript would get ya round that, seeing as you have destroyed the usability of the rest of your site with it, why not finish the job.

honestly you should be able to charge people for wasting your time with websites that don't work.

I'm back from Blighty, have given notice at Travelocity, left and am now working for Spiral Arm full time. All rather exciting. I'm also spending far to much time pissing about with twitter and Linked In. I have several things to blog about including new toys and a couple of weddings, I'll also attempt to get my photos sorted and onto flickr.
Sorry no links, I'm sure you can all work them out if you are interested.