Thursday, January 19, 2006

I've just spent 2 hours looking for my camera battery charger only to find that it was still in the fucking suitcase. grunting noises can not even begin to describe my disgust - but let me try nergh baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Sometimes I just feel so articulate.
iTunes is worse than crack, ok so I've never had track, but itunes is robbing me of all my money.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

People are all inherently fuck wits, example.

Killing people for eating animals ranks up there with killing people for supporting abortion.

It is disturbingly flawed.

I understand not eating meat and being pro-life. However to kill for either is stupidity in the extreme.

What next, do we all have to go to the lengths of the suicide bomber and the Israeli Jet, just to get our point across ?

Muppets, complete fucking Muppets.
Wonderful advert, watch it now, funny and takes the piss out of all the stupid things Australians have done over the last year.