Saturday, June 05, 2004

Ok this has been sitting round for ages waiting for me to finish it and its never going to happen so here are some random thoughts.

* David over for the weekend

* Firebird / Fire Fox - Thunderbird
Movement of Applications from huge to small and lovely Outlook / Mozilla / IE to Firefox , thunderbird and gmail.

* Eclipse 3.0 M9., has built in ssh key generation and amazing cvs integration and everything runs in the background. Oh yes.

Ok just updated a few things on blogger, it asked me for my date of birth. I had to enter the month first,baaaaaaaaaaaaaa after getting language and location right they drop it when it comes to dates. If anybody can explain why oh why ANYONE would put the month first , baaaaaaaaaaa. OOooo OOOo lets put the MIDDLE bit of information first, then the first second and we will leave the last bit of information last.

Hmmm in addition to this, I've just enabled blogger commenting - I'm leaving it on because I'm lazy, but I looks pants.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Wanna know what the weather is like in Sydney ? Have a look here.