Saturday, August 24, 2002

Emma and I just walked back from tesco's and saw the most amazing thing, it was raining on our street but not where we were, kinda cool being able to see the rain and walking into it. I'm sounding like a stoner, maybe you had to be there. Right seeing as two people have now asked, we are moving to Oz, no we aren't planning on getting married, I'm not sure why moving to a new country infers marriage, but there you go.

Thursday, August 22, 2002

Went out for drinks with people from work for Wills birthday lastnight, started at board walk and ended up at form again, was cool. Emma couldn't make it cos she was feeling totally buggered which was a bit shite.

Wednesday, August 21, 2002

From the mail server:

The wombat lives across the seas,
Among the far Antipodes.
He may exist on nuts and berries,
Or then again, on missionaries;
His distant habitat precludes
Conclusive knowledge of his moods.
But I would not engage the wombat
In any form of mortal combat.
-- "The Wombat"

And I just saw a link to this.
Rich installed Cave on his phone last night, looks good, already have a couple of updates that hopefully I'll have done tonight, wahoo wahoo. Also added a wap site, ok page, so it's easier to install via a phone, the address is