Saturday, April 05, 2003

Well, I don't seem to be able to publish my blog which is a bitch.

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

ok summary of what I just blogged and lost, so bus crash, all ok weird how glass makes a popping sounds when it shatters. Watched a guy powering past the bus this morning on roller blades and a pair of shorts, going well fast, does make you wonder how you stop quickly or even not that quickly. Oh and I got a phone, its a 7250, haven't had a load of time to play with it yet, however the camera seems better than I thought and the radio is also better than I thought, oh I'm listening to Triple J .So first Impressions are the phone is less plasticly spell ? than the 7210
which is nice the camera is a gimic but cool and not as crap quality as I thought. I loaded cave onto it and cave needs colour and a little word and final Triple J is very cool.