Thursday, November 27, 2003

This would be funny if I hadn't happened to me before.

Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Melbourne was good, loads of cool bars, was good to catch up with Tom and Julia. Rugby was good last weekend, although both of us felt like crap on Sunday.

On a different subject

So you have decided to implement some API/ Specification with a few of your friends / co-workers / script kiddies [delete non-applicable].
I have a few small requests:

  1. Unless you plan to finish the fucking thing in a timely fashion - just go back to looking at porn or something.

  2. Every time you implement a feature that either

    • Makes your product non wildly standard,

    • Hinders you from finishing the core functionality,

    Cut off at LEAST one of your fingers - I'll leave it up to you how many you remove – it should be inline with how much you have fucked up your product. - think of it as a primitive priority tracker.

  3. Documentation– assume that whoever is going to use your product isn’t say YOU and maybe didn’t write the fucking thing and may not know what you were thinking when you only write half a sentence.

  4. If you get bored easily with documentation - examples are good - they at least show the poor bastard trying to use your product the twisted way your mind works – also cut off a few fingers for good measure.