Friday, July 12, 2002


Neela just sent me this, not good when your hungover.
Got this from Fish, its where I went to uni. Emma is back from Spain tonight wahoo wahoo wahoo. I went to a Lonix meeting last night and drunk far too much feeling like a cup of cold sick this morning, not good, not good. Looks like its been raining back home.

Thursday, July 11, 2002

Righto, hopefully got my last page changed over now, some of it still needs tweaking. Jesus I need a sleep didn't get to sleep till after 3,booo zzzzz. Righto back to work.
Can Publish, can publish, seat still unpleasant.
So, can't publish, can't sleep wonderful, sleeping pill, useful for killing yourself, well at least in the movies, and would be really useful at quarter past two in the morning when you just wanna sleep. Well I think bar my blog archive I have my site moved to the new layout now all I need is content :D I dunno if I can be bothered reading this but yay and about time, next decriminalise, how many people do you see coming out of a grass bar and starting a fight. Also if there are more stoned people in the world I will seem brighter :D. Righto I'm off stare at the ceiling again, but let me leave you with this thought, don't sit on plastic chairs naked, they are cold, really really cold, its not pleasant at all.
Ok, I'm trying a new look on my blog, will roll it out to my site as soon as I can.

Wednesday, July 10, 2002

Oooooo The Star Cafe has a website. Saw Merial lastnight for dinner, its only 4 weeks till she leaves for New Zealand, not long now.

Tuesday, July 09, 2002

Read the Disclaimer then get the littlest hobo, get in there with you old TV show tunes ! that is all.

Monday, July 08, 2002

Righto and back from the madness of last nights post, saw this on /., not cool if you don't wanna run a graphically heavy OS like XP,for the desktop wahoo wahoo, all rejoice you need less brain cells than a fly to use the OS, but for a server, boo boo boo, now need a 95 GB graphics card and an extra 1/2 GB RAM to use the OS, without an app server installed boo.
Hmmm if anyone reads my blog and doesn't like my language, email me or post a comment. ok, fuck me one is crying because a cow she has seen 4 times in 2 weeks may die and there is a guy saying "get a new cow, my family drinks lots of milk, I need a lot of milk", pathetic as Emma would say. Rigged, so fucking rigged, mwaaaaaaaa do they even know what the real world is ?
ok Channel 4 seems to be down at the moment, however I've had the TV on in the background with Frontier House, a couple of things, Americans don't do some things well, real drama (ok I like ER and West Wing, compared to english drama I mean) and programs like frontier house, I mean they aren't even living in the "age" and they are already bitching. They are being crap, no make up, can't cope, the guns aren't real American, can't cope. One funny thing that was said," In the Blah century interracial marriages were not accepted, oh like they are now in most of the world ? HELLO, oh and some silly bitch has just cried because she wasn't allowed to wear make up, child. Okay now someone is trying to take a hair drier, ummmmm WHAT WORLD DO THEY LIVE IN, fuck me, brainless is too kind, oh and I'm missing Emma lots and it maybe coming out in some different ways :D.

Sunday, July 07, 2002

Righto you can now add comments, I'm using
weblog commenting.
This would be good, at least then when people are fucking me off at work I could go down a server and play a bit of Tricky and chill.
Rich pointed out a Story Will wrote about Hacktivismo, looks good I need to read more when I've slept for about a week, I've also just seen this which looks cool and once again will read about properly once I've slept for a week.