Monday, July 08, 2002

ok Channel 4 seems to be down at the moment, however I've had the TV on in the background with Frontier House, a couple of things, Americans don't do some things well, real drama (ok I like ER and West Wing, compared to english drama I mean) and programs like frontier house, I mean they aren't even living in the "age" and they are already bitching. They are being crap, no make up, can't cope, the guns aren't real American, can't cope. One funny thing that was said," In the Blah century interracial marriages were not accepted, oh like they are now in most of the world ? HELLO, oh and some silly bitch has just cried because she wasn't allowed to wear make up, child. Okay now someone is trying to take a hair drier, ummmmm WHAT WORLD DO THEY LIVE IN, fuck me, brainless is too kind, oh and I'm missing Emma lots and it maybe coming out in some different ways :D.

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