Saturday, April 09, 2005

Go Charles! They love each other, what is stupid and very Hollywood is the fact they pissed around for 20 years before getting married.

He does look a touch bored with it all. I guess they are old, so have weathered a lot, I would have thought there would have been a touch more emotion.

Bugger it all I had thought I was over moving back to Europe. I'm back to being not so sure, it would be easier if you all moved here, the weather is good, and quite frankly no one will notice the odd extra european around.

baaaaaaa bring on the bloody 2 hour journey between Sydney and London, it would make it all so manageable. A nice weekend home in fact.

One again, travel is evil, if we all sat in the same bloody place we wouldn't have this dilemma would we.

No I'm not serious just confused and pissed off with everything not being simple.

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