Saturday, March 05, 2005

Here is some randomness that has been wandering through my head.

I want Bluetooth head phones to listen to my itunes

I want a Bluetooth ipod to transfer my music from my powerbook - not all of it, just the new albums I add or to change my iShuffle contents.( No i don't own one yet)

I want Bluetooth on my ipod to listen to music with my Bluetooth headphones.

I want a tuner on my ipod.

Old school IM is throwing a pad of post it notes round the office with your message on, if you want history - don't remove previous message. If a note comes off during flight, it's packet loss.

Office folk, cubical warriors brain storm. Do farmers grain storm ?

Why is there no bloody Bluetooth API for the Mac in any other language than C derivatives , say Java or even bloody python. Baaaa.

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