Tuesday, July 22, 2003

So I know everyone who reads this loves bikes, so this and of course this will be of Immense interest to all of you. Go go Ducati.
We got back from the UK on sunday after getting pissed around by the BA staff at Heathrow, I mean how the hell can you just walk out without telling anyone, they should have all been fired. Anyway, Qantas were good and got our plane out about 4 hours late. So its ya ya Qantas, Booo Boooo BA, but then with the Rail network and the Tubes how they are one shouldn't expect the airways to be any better.
It was really good to catch up with everyone while we were over there, we are now missing everyone loads. I'm also missing Mr Dallaways new Lap top, As much as I dislike the idea of being tied to a sole company for my hardware and software, I really get sick of recompiling my kernel and reinstalling windows. I know that Apple isn't going to be the wonderous fix of all time, but I think it is a move in the right direction.

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