Tuesday, September 17, 2002

Arse, just lost 15 minutes of blogging double arse, righto, briefy drunk, wednesday through friday (very very),saturday at a birthday / house warming, friends of Emmas, really really nice, friends and house. Back to the wedding, got to meet more of Richard and Janes friends and catch up with some I have already met, really cool. After a very yummy dinner, there was the maddest Jazz band, with five of the most different people you could imagine, but by god they could play. Emma and I ended up going to bed about midnight 1ish, and surprise, surprise woke up in the morning feeling really good, AND remember all of the previous day, I can highly recommend it as a way to spend a wedding. However Steve was up till 4 so wasn;t so good :D, that didn't stop Emma, myself, Neela and Steve going for a wander around the village and out across someones farm, then back into the village to a cool little pub for lunch, which was fucking amazing country pub food is about 98 billion times better than london pub food. Oh yeah our room was f huge and really nice, ok I may update this a bit at a later stage so it makes sense.

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