Wednesday, August 14, 2002

Well it's half twelve and I can't sleep so I may as well blog now rather than the morning. Emma and I took Monday off and had a long weekend, and and saw her parents, my god rail in this country is crap. One reason to come back on the Monday rather than Sunday was that there is line maintenance from Now till the end of the year on every weekend, with means ever train journey to the north west is broken with an hour bus trip, needless to say the train companies were saying it would only add an hour or so to the journey, however if you believe this look outside there are pigs flying. It was however nice to be out of London and as always wonderful and relaxing to see them, even if we have both eaten and drunken what we would normally consume in two week in 3 days. Oh yes and the clan gets bigger Mike and Trish had a baby girl, Sophie Patricia, 7 lb 4 oz born at 5 past 12 on Monday morning so wahoo wahoo, hopefully we hear more from Lisa at some stage. Back to staying at Emma's parents, it was sooooooooo nice to be somewhere without constant noise, in fact quite the opposite, almost constant silence and by god its refreshing, means you can really relax. Oooo spoke to Dad on his birthday last week, he and mum been out to dinner and both sounded good, which is cool. One last thing about rail coming back on monday it was a direct train, no stops and they were still 25 minutes late on a journey that was meant to take 2 and half hours, how, how how, the "train manager" said it was due to speed restrictions, but surely they knew of these before the train left our station, when they gave our ETA, the restrictions have only been in place for about 2 months, grrrr.

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